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On the Internet I am fascinate with possibility of anonymity so I submit some entries from my Identification card and a record from military administration.
Really sucks, no? From character attributes I´d like to mention laziness, fatality, big interest scatter and thence implicit shallowness of knowledge as well as amount other weaknesses that vary my life. Some informations for the fortune-teller: crayfish, numbers 1 and 7, melancholic, I trust in the God and certainly don´t trust in mentioned nonsenses. As early as childhood I didn´t exhibit very much but my inner world was quite rich. From these times I remember a bit on the grand contests with little cars, building the fortified complexes from the lego, the skiing, the sciential competion, collecting the stamps, pasting the paper models, slander, browsing the cartographing cards and reading the books. Education: the high school with the graduation, the english language, inactive the german language, momentary I´m struggling to finish the academic institute. Job: some brigades, nowadays I work in Slovak Telecom Headquarters like the specialist for IT/IS complex security. Girls: I´m also unamarried!!! Information technologies: I was outgrowing on computers, because father is electrical engeneer and mother works above 20 years in IT industry. The first machine was japanese 8bit Sharp MZ-800. After revolution in the 1989 I bought the first PC - 386DX/40. Today I use at work PC IBM330-P75 with WindowsNT and HP-UX with Unix. From year 1993, I make use of up remote access services. My first modem was mother modem Flash 2400bps, then I exloplored Fidonet, BBS, QWK and the Internet of course. Travelling: I´m interesting to the cartography.I traveled the nice piece of the World (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Jugoslivia, Bosna, Crotia, Austria, Italy, Germany, Liechtenstein, Suisse, France, Belgium, England) and I´m planing to continue with travelling in future also. So if you let me know at thursday, we can go at friday on a trip. First I´m travelling to the mountains on foot, by car and by bus lately. I was published several trips. Literature: In the childhood I´d like read the adventures of little viking Vik, Tom, Finn, Mr. Barrow, children from Cherry garden.... v adolescence erotic, Nick Twisp, Angelica, old american crime school, SF/F/H mostly all. The best writers are Verne, LeGuinn, Mailer, Bukowski, Burroughs, Vonnegut Jr., Sapkowski, Pratchett, Cherryh, MacDonald, Chandler, Twain, Hemingway, Remarque... Games: ´Sazky a dostihy´, ´Clovece nezlob se´, card games, table games (especially cycling and Vietnam wars), on MZ-800 Flappy, from PC games I´d like play turn-based strategies (Civilization, Panzer General), RPG (Wizardy 7, Lands of Lore, Betrayal at Krondor, Star Trail), text adventures (´Cikani´ by Fuxoft) a graphic adventures (by fy Sierra and Lucas Arts, Land Lore). I have merged famous czechoslovak gaming journals like Excalibury (1992, 1993) and Score (1994, 1995). At this time I was totalaly dependent game player. Comiks: In Jugoslavia, at totality period, I explored the world of comics. I have mostly everything from Asterix, Garfield and all from the publishing house Crew. Sometimes I bought other comics also. Music: At the elementary school I falled to metal music :-). Seriosly I break through the music area by The Beatles. Nowadays I have big music dispersion (Doom Metal, Indies, Etno, the guitar heroes, blues, russian composers, Mahler). My favorite group is The Gathering.
Miscellanous: It´s more things in which I´m interesting, from wathing the films to study the Bible. |