	    ..|  '\---|  /'  |	 |   |	'\    |  '\   |  '\---|------------##-.
	    : |---/.  |  \ __| ./ .--|	 /   \	  /   |---/.  | 	      |
......... ..: '-------'   |  '----'  '-----'--'-------'-------' 	      |
		    ':|___| ---// notes //------------------------------------'

Zazneli tu akési úchylné túžby po interakcii. Dobre teda. Ak chce niekto
podebatovať, môže sa zapojiť do diskusie vo fórume. Nemusí sa ani
registrovať, len napíš nick a na záver stlač ikonku post reply. Odošle tvoju

Archív: #05 [02-07-2001 - 24-07-2001]
	#04 [11-06-2001 - 29-06-2001]
	#03 [03-06-2001 - 10-06-2001]
	#02 [29-05-2001 - 02-06-2001]
	#01 [24-05-2001 - 28-05-2001]

---// Počiatočná nechutná reklama //------------------------------------------
---// [18-09-2001] Reakcie na zvýšenie cien ST //--

(jún, 2001)

co dodat....

..nuz nedalo mi to...posielam velmi maly "vycuc" z poslednych dni
z posty ktora chodi na st-marketing ......nechavam to bez komentara


Vazene marketingove oddelenie, pocinom Slovenskych Telekomunikacii sa citim
byt oklamany. Mam na mysli konkretne zvysenie cien pri ISDN. ISDN linku
som si nechal nedavno zriadit po urcitej dobe zvazovania ohladom vyhodnosti.
Vas postup ohladom cenovej politiky a zavadzania novych technologii mi vsak
pripomina cuvanie. Som sklamany.

S pozdravom,


Vy ste teda buzeranti odporni luharski!
Na tolko podlosti, ktorou sprevadzate toto hanebne zdrazenie, ani nemam
reci. Kiez by ste sa prepadli na smetisko dejin.


Nemam Vas rad! Ste zli kapitalisti, ktori myslia len na zisky, etika im
nic nehovori a na zakaznikovi Vas zaujima len jeho penazenka.




Je mi Vas uprimne luto. Takto stracat zakaznikov Vasim neustalim
zvysovanim cien. !!! To je naozaj vrchol. Spametajte sa, lebo Vam
neostane ani jeden zakaznik!


To si co o sebe myslite!


ste banda kuriev nemeckych....


vy kurvy teleKomunisticke. Rusim pevnu linku aj dial-up. Toto co ste si
dovolili je nieco nechutné. tento mail nech si citaju vasi sefovia, su to
nechutni hajzli nemeckí. takuto poplatkovu politiku by nevymysleli ani
meciarovci. do pi.. s Vami, kurvy fasisticke...


Zatial(BOHUZIAL)budem este slusny a inteligentny,ale nabuduce to uz asi
bude z mojej strany horsie!!!

Cely DT a ST je velky a odporny bordel plny pijavic,ktore sa chcu co
najrychlejsie nazrat a potom zmiznut.Typicky priklad slovenskeho
podnikania.Ale nezabudnite Vy nenazrani hadi,ze mi sme tu nie pre Vas,ale
Vy pre nas.A to si piste, ze vacsina ludi so sedliackym rozumom sa vykasle na
Vase ST a kupi si radsej mobil.

Keby ste mali aspon trochu rozumu v tych Vasich prazdnych hlavach a
zamysleli sa,ale asi nie je cim,ze velky "manageri"!!! Chodte dokelu!!!

PS:Dufam,ze tento TIP sa dostane k tomu pravemu a opyta sa preco asi toto

Vá3/4ení priatelia,

Preeo robíte z ?udí hlupákov
a hovoríte o zni3/4ovaní cien, kei
nakoniec drvivá väe1ina ?udí
zaplatí viac, ako doteraz?
Zrejme chcete vyu3/4i> ka3/4dú minútu
pokia? máte monopolné postavenie.
Alebo sa mýlim?

S pozdravom


Vy svine.


Ste obyeajní vydriduchovia a klamári.


Zo zahranieného investora sa stal zahraniený
inkasant !!!


Vy hajzli !!! To uz neni pravda co sa deje na Slovensku! Je to svinstvo co
robite, ja osobne sa davam zajtra vypojit. Dovidenia aj s ST, dovidenia
Nech ziju mobily !


Dobry den!

Chcela by som sa informovat, ci ste naozaj tak sprosty a date zrusit akciu
internet za 2,50 v noci?

Co si myslite, preco su ludia ochotni zaplatit ten SAKRA vysoky pausal
735,- SK ??????? A Vy im este zvysite cenu za pripojenie na
viac ako 4 !!!!! nasobok????

Podala som ziadost o zavedenie ISDN. Tymto ho aj rusim.... Mozete sa
posrat, radsej budem internetit cez mobil, ako za ten vas skurveny ISDN!

S pozdravom...


Dobrý déo,
ko?ko stojí odhlásenie pou3/4ívania telefonnej prípojky?

(takychto prislo asi 100 @ ...... :))


Nenavidim vas. Urobili ste teda riadny podraz pre uzivatelov ISDN.


RE:V mene v1etkých dial-up u3/4ívate?ov Internetu - IAKUJEME.
Jozef II. [24. 5. 2001 0:15:45]


RE:este by ma zaujimalo ako si moze ten skurveny monopol dovolit
vyhadzovat prachy na klamlivu reklamu: za miestne poplatky sa s novymi
predvobami dovolate dalej ale to ze dvakrat drahsie to uz nespominaju. A
ked sa pozrem na ich skurvenu stranku tak tam nieje ani zmienka o nejakom
zdrazovani... nocna pravadzka je v riti, a pouzivanie ISDN je tiez v riti,
akurat si mozu spokojne madlit rukami kolko ludi nachytali na skurvene
reklamy na ISDN ... mali radsej prepustiti polovicu zbytocnych
zamestnancov ako zdrazovat... keby neboli jedinym vseobecne pristupnym a v
porovnani s ostatnymi relativne lacnym sprostredkovatelom pripojenia na
inet tak necham odpojit pevnu, ale kto chce kam pomozme mu tam - navrhujem
vypalit ich centralu nech maju na co pouzit ten neumerny zisk fasisti
jedni skurveny nemecky... taaaak a hned je mi lepsie pri srdci :)


Ste Hajzli Deutche telecom, Vam nejde o to ako vybrdbnut z
cisel, ale o to, ze ste nedosiahli mieru zisku. Strcte si
svoj telefon do
riti, idem ho hned odhlasit ! ( a nebudem sam !)


Choite do riti, vy pijavice!!!


Ste kolaboranti nemeckeho fasizmu.
Dufam, ze viete ako sa zaobchadza s kolaborantami ...


takze rusim pevnu linku a veru nielen ja.
ta vasa strategia je ozaj chora,a  zaobidem sa aj bez
domaceho internetu.
ak sa telecom do 5 rokov nezlozi , zlozim ja svoj ing titul.
co tak maly pausal a vyssie ceny impulzu ?? sak trosku
nemate to tam sv poriadku.
zamestajte ma a pozdvyhmen telecom/.


byvali klient.
idem zrusit linku cau


FUCK!-len zvysujte ceny stale a neustale a neprestavajte v tom!Potom tie
peniaze ,ktore na nas zarobite davajte do reklamy  o tom ako znizujete


vy smradi, takze pripojenie cez vas  od jula odhlasim, ani tu stovku za
pausal vam nedarujem. Aby som za kazde stiahnutie posty platil navyse ten
vas sk....ny zostavovaci impulz. Najdem si ineho providera a vy chodte
tam, kam patrite. Vivat konkurencia. Pozrite si zive.sk, a hlavne reakcie
tych, co ste ich dobehli svojou "skvelou" ISDN kampanou.


denne máme na jednej HOST ústredni priemernej kapacity 30 3/4iadostí na
zru1enie tf.prípojky. Nemali by sme prostredníctvom marketingu ihnei zaea
s ponukou MOP ?!


Vy ste teda dobry vyjebany skurvenci, ze zas zvysujete poplatky.
Nenazranci, to aby ste mali zas na vyjebane drahe auta, vily a vase kurvy?
Postrielat VAS!!! To si radsej kupim mobil.


Ste obycajne kurvy nenazrane, ktore uz nevedia co si vymysliet na
zakaznikov, ako ich zodrat z kazdej koruny. A sluzby?? Stale na hovno,
stale si este prihadzujete rozne hovory a tym zvysujete ucty a ked to
clovek chce reklamovat, tak mu poviete nie a nejake ine tarifikatori ani
neakceptujete. Ste obycajna zkorumpovana banda kokotov a myslite si o mne
co chcete, ale taky je nazor beznych ludi. Bodaj by ste zhebli vseci co
ste tam a vas popol by bol len tak zakopany medzi jadrovy odpad z
mochoviec, nech to nemate bezbolestne po smrti.


Vy svine bodaj by ste Kracli do toho 1.7. Mozem vas Jebat dam si odpojit
pevnu linku. Kde sme vsade idu ceny dole, ale mi...Ked Slovak ojebava
slovaka tak kde sa potom dostaneme. Asi sa tu chce niekto pekne
napakovat.Ze? Serem vas.


Vy asi nie ste normalny. Pred tym som platil za ISDN 1600 aj spoplatkami,
teraz 3600. Mozem vas JEBAT. Dam si zrusit linku a poradim to aj vsetkym
ostanim. Bodaj by ste zkrachovali vy KURVY. Uz sa tesim na zrusenie
monopolu slovenskych telekomunikaci. VY SVINE!!!!

__________ Informacia od NOD32 1.86 (20010510) __________

Tato sprava bola preverena systemom NOD32 pre Exchange.

---// [18-09-2001] Egon //----------------------------------------------------

smikulikova@iol.cz, 06/09/2001


jsem ráda, že jste se mi ozvali, a že jste spokojení, papíry už se
dělají, ještě jsem tento týden posílala na doplnění na Plemennou knihu
nějaké získané tituly, tak se to trochu zdrželo. Hned jak mě přijdou Vám
je obratem zasílám. Jestli je nutná registrace na Slovensku Vám napíši o
víkendu, v sobotu jedu na klubovku na Slovensko, tak to tam zjistím.

S tím kousáním je to normální, žádný extra fígl nemám, jen můžete
zkusit, jak se bude zakusovat do ruky zkusit ho přesměrovat na kousání
do nějaké hadry a potahat se s ním, a chválit ho, když bude tahat a
kousat hadru. Bude se Vám to hodit pokud pak bude kousat do peška nebo
později do rukávu.

Na ruku- Fuj, na hadru- Tak je hodný.

Ještě se ozvu kvůli těm papírům.
Zatím se mějte.



smikulikova@iol.cz, 31/05/2001

Zdravím, mail v pořádku přišel.

Průběžně budu informovat, jak budeme rodit a kolik čeho je a jaká jsou.

Přijet vybrat si samozřejmě můžete, po tom měsíci to asi bude nejlepší,
to už bude vidět, jaká jsou a můžete se rozhodnout, jestli fenu, nebo
psa. Jestli si vyberete, budu požadovat alespoň nějakou zálohu.
Očkovací průkaz (s odčervením a očkováním) je samozřejmostí a kupní
smlouva taky.

Já jsem dřív NO cvičila. dá se říct, že pokud již máte s výcvikem
zkušenosti, zvládne rusák to samé, oproti NO mě připadá, že si všechno
pamatují hrozně dlouho, aniž by se to muselo s nimi neustále opakovat.
Nějaká štěňata z mých vrhů se výcviku věnují a mají složené pracovní

Mějte se a jak se bude něco dít, dám vědět.
Nebo pokud budete něco potřebovat, tak se ozvěte vy.


---// [17-09-2001] Boh ochraňuj našu Guľu Zemovú //---------------------------

PRAHA 13. září (ČTK) - Planety Saturn a Pluto budou nepříznivé Spojeným státům
a světovému dění až do konce února 2003. V letech 2001 a 2002 mohou vznikat
válečné konflikty a v roce 2003 lze čekat střetnutí na Blízkém východě.
Letošní podzim bude kritický, řekl astrolog a někdejší lidovecký ministr
obrany Antonín Baudyš s odvoláním na americké astrology.

Definitivní rozhodnutí o úterních teroristických útocích na budovy Světového
obchodního střediska (WTC) v New Yorku a na sídlo amerického ministerstva
obrany ve Washingtonu padlo podle Baudyše na přelomu července a srpna.
V té době nastala opozice planety Pluto na konjunkci Saturnu se stacionárním

---// [17-09-2001] Preco je David profesorom matematiky //--------------------

From: "David Pancza" 
To: spyros@fido.sk
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 15:19:01
Subject: Re: vtip



ako vies ze viem? a co vies ze viem? :-) ale spravne, ja viem vsetko.
ale teda k teme - odkial viem? existuje ista neprazdna mnozina ludi
ktori poznaju aj teba aj Ifcu. tito ludia sa obcas pohybuju po meste
a obcas aj pozeraju okolo seba a obcas si aj cosi vsimnu a potom
bonzuju takym, co vsetko vedia, teda mne. proste, boli ste videni,
hand in hand. kazdopadne, po tomto dramatickom uvode prejdime k jadru
- gratulujem, a nech vam to vyjde k obojstrannej spokojnosti!

---// [13-09-2001] America under the attack //--------------------------------

"The third big war will begin when the big city is burning"
Nostradamus 1654

Toto pisal kamarat kolegovi...

Tu je list od mojho kamosa v USA:


v prvom rade vas vsetkych pozdravujem a pokusim sa vam priblizit dnesne

Asi 10 minut po prichode do prace, po 8 hodine centralneho casu (Chicago)
prisiel do office kolega Raul, a hovori, ze poculi ste to? Lietadlo narazilo
do twins (dvojicky), ako tu volame mrakodrapy World Trade Center v NY,
ze prave parkoval auto ked prerusili rozhlas v radiu. Nikto mu velmi neveril,
tak sme zapli televiziu ktoru mame vpredu kde je waiting room a naozaj, bol
tam priamy prenos z NY kde ukazovali north twin (severny mrakodrap) s dierou
z ktoreho sa dymilo. Vsetci sme zamrzli udivom, hovorime si hroza, to nie je
mozne.. Sledujeme ako sa blizia sanitky ked zrazu sa k mrakodrapom
priblizovalo dalsie lietadlo, ktore vrazilo do druhej twin. Od toho momentu
sme sa tam natlacili vsetci (asi 15 ludi) a sledovali sme co sa deje. Hned
bolo jasne ze ide o teroristicke utoky, hlasatelia v televizii boli ticho,
hovorili akurat 'oh my god', kazdemu nam naskakovala husia koza.

15 minut nato sa zrutil juzny a par minut nato i severny mrakodrap. Chvilu
predtym ukazovali ako do budovy prudia hasici, zachranari a policajti..

Za dalsiu pol hodinu hlasatelka prerusila prenos s tym, ze bol lietadlom
zasiahnuty Pentagon (velitelstvo armady) no a par minut po tom ze dalsie
lietadlo sa zrutilo 80 mil od Pittsburghu.

Vsetci boli z toho vedla, hovorime si co sa deje? Medzitym chodili
na obrazovke lokalne spravy z Chicaga o evakuacii downtownu (stvrt kde su
mrakodrapy), volala jedna znama ktora pracuje v Sears Tower, ze im vypli prud
a funguju iba vytahy a ze je tam hrozny chaos, ze na vytah sa caka aspon
15 minut, ze asi pojde po schodoch (Sears ma 120 poschodi)..

Vsetky mrakodrapy boli nakoniec evakuovane, co zase zapricinilo zapchu
na dialniciach, takze auta sa odtial dostavali len pomaly, kazdy bol
vystraseny. U nas na Montrose Ave (asi 10 mil od downtown) smerom odtial bolo
auto na aute, opacnym smerom jazdili len policajti a hasici (prekaucia keby
sa tam nieco prihodilo). Nakoniec nastastie k nicomu nedoslo.. v downtown
je teraz zakazane parkovat vedla mrakodrapov (kvoli vybusninam v aute) az do
odvolania, takze prakticky sa tam neda parkovat vobec, tudiz do downtown
jedine metrom.

Dalsia vec je ze az do stredy doobeda je uzavrety vzdusny priestor, takze
napr. u nas su vsetky hotely preplnene, pretoze aerolinie museli ubytovat
asi 400 tisic cestujucich len v Chicagu, ktorym zrusili let.

Okremtoho vsade vladne chaos, ludia nakupuju benzin (ktory mimochodom stupol
z $1.80 na $2.50 za galon behom par hodin) a potraviny, ako keby bola vojna.

Teraz je 9:30 PM a volal mi kamarat ze sa prave vratil zo skoly a ulice
su prazdne az na policajne auta... V priebehu dna vyhlasili ze skoly v Chicagu
budu zajtra zatvorene, ale k veceru povedali ze prijali zvlastne bezpecnostne
opatrenia a skoly otvoria.

V kostoloch sa konaju  omse kvoli obetiam utoku a v televizii na kazdom kanali
dole bezi pasik s adresami v Chicagu kde mozete ist darovat krv pretoze v NY
je jej nedostatok. Kazdy kanal vysiela spravodajstvo z	bieleho domu
a pentagonu (dokonca aj z Comedy Channel kde normalne bezia len komedie),
hodinu dozadu mal prezident Bush prejav k narodu, bolo to velmi smutne.
Na zajtra budu vsetky vlajky stiahnute do polovice.

Podla televiznych debat to vyzera tak ze USA vyhlasi vojnu Afghanistanu,
pripadne aj Iraqu a Iranu, pretoze su to krajiny v ktorych oficialne funguju
teroristicke hnutia, ktore su tolerovane tamojsimi vladami. Secretary
of Defense (minister obrany) povedal ze vyhlasime vojnu terorizmu,
co ale znamena ze budeme bojovat nielen s teroristami, ale so statmi,
ktore terorizmus podporuju, aby sa uz nic take neopakovalo. No hroza.

Ja mam troch kamaratov v New Yorku, Shaggu, Denisa a Johna, dufam ze su vsetci
v poriadku.

Takze majte sa vsetci dobre, ja idem zase spat k televizoru zistit o co som
prisiel pri pisani tohto listu.


P.S. Dnesny den je oznacovany ako 911, podla datumu 9/11... toto cislo je inak
tzv. emergency number, asi ako na slovensku 158 (teda aspon dufam ze si to
este dobre pamatam).




Mail od chalaniska co je akurat na mieste...

From: Ondrej Krehel 
To: krehelo@yahoo.com
Subject: America under attack
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 20:19:32 -0700 (PDT)


monhi sa pytaju, co sa deje a ci zijem.

patrim k tym stastnym, ktori sa rano do WTC (world trade center)
uz nedostali... namiesto toho som dosiel na 33th street na manhattan,
tam odklonili train, mal som stastie, ten predo mnou tam dosiel...
rano ked som sa zobudil (kedze mam prave vyhlad na lower manhattan)
pozrel som sa von oknom a pekny den vyzeral, ako obvykle teplo, takze
tricko a kratasy. ani som nevedel, ako mi moj libidak pospat si dnes
dlhsie, pomohol.

po sprche mi hovori spolubyvajuci, ze WTC hori, teda South Tower, obaja
sme sa popozerali, ja som si urobil par fotiek a pripravoval sa do
poculi sme ze neake lietadlo padlo do south tawer. bolo to celkom na
my mame vyhlad prave na opacnu stranu ako buchli tie lietadla.
kazde rano a vecer chodieval som na WTC, tam konci path trains from NJ.
vzdy som tam prestupil na subway a cestoval dalej.
isiel som na svoj train, medzitym uz horel aj druhy tower, ja som ale
nevedel ako aj vsetci ini v traine, ze je to attack.
ked som prisiel na manhattan, asi po 20 min sa cely manhattan uzavrel,
subway zatiahli zeleznymi vratami, ktore este vzduchotesne uzavreli,
na katastrofy su uz zrejme trenovani.
pochopil som, ze cosi nie je v poriadku, teda ze ten poziar nebude len
nejake sukromne lietadlo.
naladil som rychlo radio a pocuval - ako sa vsetko zbehlo, co je za tym
ale najviacej som lutoval ludi, skakajucich z 120 poschodia na zem.
najhorsie na tom bolo, ze vo WTC nepracovali predsa cisto amici, ale
vsetky firmy svetoveho bissnisu, dole bol nadherny bookstore, cinske
a indicke jedalne, skratka nielen amici ale aj zahranicny.
po chvili sa objavili polisi, uzavreli sa niektore cesty, auta skoro
nikde nebola telka (policia to zakazala), obchody okrem jedla boli
vsetky zavrete.
ked sa o chvilu ojavili chlapi z FBI nasledovani kolonou vojska, bolo
jasne ze dnes sa z tade tak skoro nedostanem.
stravil som den ako ostatni, sedel na chodniku a cakal, vsade sedelo uz
kopec ludi, policia a armada vsetko mala pod kontolou, vsade lietali
helikoptery, pochvili sa uz objavili aj stihacky.
a 20 blokov uz bolo kopec prachu vo vzduchu, mal som stastie, vietro
okolo 1 hod som pocul vyzvu v radiu, aby sme opustili manhattan do nj
tak som hned odisiel a prisiel som lodou na druhu stranu, bol som
celkom rad. po chvili som sa pesi dostal do zony kde boli uz busy a o
som vysiel aj zo zony uzavretou armadou.
stale nemozem uverit, ze niekto znicil Twins, ze uz viacej nebudu na
z okna. co je horsie, su ludia ktori zomreli. a tu prezident keca reci
tom ze si nedaju ukradnut freedom a podobne blbosti, ako u nas za
casov komunistov. juliany - major of NYC sa zachoval ako chlapik a jeho
vyhlasenia maju aj hlavu aj patu.
zajtra nepracujem, a neviem co bude dalej, emigration sem bude teraz
postupovat proti cudzincom tuto, aj ked su legalny.
keby ste poculi co tu ide po radiu, ludia chcu vojnu a odplatu, alebo
odstupenie prezidenta, ak by vedeli ktora krajina to urobila, tak uz
je vojna, resp. by ju hned vyhladili.
ked palestincania tancovali, ludia ziadali aby zhodili na palestinu
bombu. kongres uz o 2 hod vyhlasil, ze ziada vladu o vyhlasenie vojny,
lebo viacej ako 10 000 mrtvych, to je pre nich deklaracia vojny.
nie som ziaden fanda americanov, ale toto je tvrda kava a nebude bez
odplaty, dost dobre si neviem predstavit co bude.
caka sa, ze teroristicky utok bude pokracovat, asi pridu na rad
zbrane alebo zopar dalsich attacks.
lower manhattan je aj teraz o 9 30 pod nekontrolovatelnym ohnom a
je to sialene, v piatok padol stock market a dnes twins. odo dnes je
mozno 100 000 ludi priamo  v nyc bez prace, a dalsie firmy ako aj nasa
viazana na client firmy bude musiet redukovat stavy. ekomicky dopad
bude tvrdy, a to nie su len reci. uz aj tak je tento rok ekonomika
na tom zle.
pozeram von oknom a vidim dym a nic, kde stali twins je diera, z radia
je narek, ludi ktori uz nemaju svojich blizkych a vacsina sveta

s pozdravom

asi na par dni z tade vypadnem, este neviem, uvidim co sa stane zajtra.

---// [10-09-2001] Fagaraš so psom //-----------------------------------------

From: Brouzda Petr 
To: "'montana@natur.cuni.cz'" 
Subject: RE: [montana] Re: Fagaras so psom
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 10:34:57 +0200
Reply-to: montana@natur.cuni.cz

> On Topic: da sa prejst Fagaras so psom (sluzobny,
> trochu vacsi ako NO)?
> Byl jsem tam pred dvema tydny - nemam sice psa, ale snad mohu
> soudit, ze vetsina je uplne bez problemu (louky, siroke
> hrebeny). Okolo Negoiu (druhe nejvyssi hory) je to ale
> prikrejsi, je tam hrebinek (udajne I.st. UIAA), kde ti pes
> neprojde, budes si ho asi muset dat do batohu nebo vzit do zubu. :-)

Ten hrebinek se da pohodlne obejit pres udoli, ztratis tim cca hodinu.
Je to
i znacene. Kdyz jdes smerem k Negoiu, je ta obchazecka doprava dolu.
Tj. i
tam se psem projdes.



Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 11:29:55 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Tomas Hrncir 
To: "'montana@natur.cuni.cz'" 
Subject: RE: [montana] Fagaras so psom
Reply-to: montana@natur.cuni.cz

Rek bych ze driv nez clovek dojde k obtiznymu mistu v okoli Negoiu tak mu
toho psa sezerou "mili" pejskove co na Fagarasi hlidaji stada ovci -
pochybuju ze mas tak drsnyho psa aby se jim ubranil.
cau Tomas


From: Brouzda Petr 
To: "'montana@natur.cuni.cz'" 
Subject: RE: [montana] Fagaras so psom
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 11:47:21 +0200
Reply-to: montana@natur.cuni.cz

> Rek bych ze driv nez clovek dojde k obtiznymu mistu v okoli
> Negoiu tak mu
> toho psa sezerou "mili" pejskove co na Fagarasi hlidaji stada ovci -
> pochybuju ze mas tak drsnyho psa aby se jim ubranil.

Toho bych se tolik nebal.
Jednak tech psu je tam mene nez v jinych rumunskych horach, druhak maji
dobre natrenovany reflex na to, kdyz se clovek sehne pro kamen...



Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 11:17:57 +0100 (BST)
From: Spyros 
Subject: RE: [montana] Fagaras so psom
To: montana@natur.cuni.cz
Reply-to: montana@natur.cuni.cz

> Rek bych ze driv nez clovek dojde k obtiznymu mistu
> v okoli Negoiu tak mu
> toho psa sezerou "mili" pejskove co na Fagarasi
> hlidaji stada ovci -
> pochybuju ze mas tak drsnyho psa aby se jim ubranil.
> cau Tomas

No co ja viem, jedinych poriadnych som zatial zazil na
Godeanu, ostatni su taka klasicka zberba, ktora je
sice ´drza´, ale na stredozajiskych alabajov sa
nechyta a ten moj je z podobnej sorty.

Inak dakujem vsetkym za odpoved. IMHO 1. UIAA by mohol
zvladnut, ak nie je potrebne ovladanie techniky troch
bodov :-), este by ma zaujimalo, ze ked sa z nim
vytrepem aj na ten Negoiu, ci zvladne tu Drakulovu
roklinu. 40 kg sa mi nechce nosit na rukach...


Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 12:26:30 +0200
From: Barto1 Zdenik 
Organisation: Forest Management Institute Brno
To: montana@natur.cuni.cz
Subject: Re: [montana] Fagaras so psom
Reply-to: montana@natur.cuni.cz

Spyros wrote:
> No co ja viem, jedinych poriadnych som zatial zazil na
> Godeanu, ostatni su taka klasicka zberba, ktora je
> sice ´drza´, ale na stredozajiskych alabajov sa
> nechyta a ten moj je z podobnej sorty.

On bude mit za zady Tebe, oni budou samotni. Takove psi na Slovensku
dokazal "usmernit" i muj drsnosrsty jezevcik....

> vytrepem aj na ten Negoiu, ci zvladne tu Drakulovu
> roklinu. 40 kg sa mi nechce nosit na rukach...

Mam pocit ze tak souteska je prave pri vystupu na Negoiu. Kousek jsem
tam urcite lezl na 3 body, ale postupnym prekladanim psa nad sebe, by
to snad dalo prekonat. Kazdopadne pocitej radeji s tim, ze to kdyz tak


From: Brouzda Petr 
To: "'montana@natur.cuni.cz'" 
Subject: RE: [montana] Fagaras so psom
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 12:40:41 +0200
Reply-to: montana@natur.cuni.cz

> bodov :-), este by ma zaujimalo, ze ked sa z nim
> vytrepem aj na ten Negoiu, ci zvladne tu Drakulovu
> roklinu. 40 kg sa mi nechce nosit na rukach...

Drakulovu soutesku by dat mohl, mozna by stalo za to mit pro nej uvazek
(takovej ten na tahani lyzare) a jistit ho - byvaly tam ocelove lana,
pres ne.



From: "Plachy | Block Address | Add to Address Book
To: "'montana@natur.cuni.cz'" 
Subject: RE: [montana] Fagaras so psom
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 14:59:36 +0200
Reply-to: montana@natur.cuni.cz

Psalo se tu o tom jak velkeho psa ten tvuj pes jeste zvladne a jak velkeho
uz ne. Je treba ale pamatovat na to , ze v Rumunsku psi ziji a utoci ve
smeckach. U jednoho stada je jich klidne 5-10. A i kdyz nemaji 40 kg tak
pokud je spravne rozzurite, tak by ste s nima mohli mit co delat i ve

Jako klicovou vec bych videl jak mas sveho psa vycviceneho, jestli te
opravdu poslechne na slovo a neda se zlakat ke rvacce a za druhe pak se
velkym obloukem vyhybat stadum (zejmena ovci).



From: "Jiri Dohnal" 
Subject: Re: [montana] Fagaras so psom
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 08:30:38 +0200
Reply-to: montana@natur.cuni.cz

Nevidel bych to tak tragicky ani s temi psy, ani s obtiznosti. Ve
Fagarasi tech ovci az zas tak strasne moc neni a na tamni psy skutecne
naprosto spolehlive funguje (staci naznak) sebrani kamene ze zeme, jelikoz
tamni majitele je presne stejnym zpusobem vychovavaji (nezustavaji vsak
jen u naznaku). A obtiznost na tom jedinem skalnim useku pres Serbotu a
dolu pres Strunga Dracului neni az zas tak strasna, pes je preci jenom
stabilnejsi nez clovek a nanejvys ho pridrzis na nejake snure. Jinak
mam ale pocit, ze pres cabanu Negoi se da obejit Serbota, Strunga
Dracului ne.


From: "Zdenek Madej" 
Subject: Re: [montana] Fagaras so psom
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 08:42:46 +0200
Reply-to: montana@natur.cuni.cz

Na Korsice jsem nekolikrat videl jak psi typu labradora bez problemu
prekonavaji kratsi nekolikametrove useky na skale, ktery pruvodce
jako I. - II. UIAA a ruce jsem tam zarucene potreboval. Nevim, jak to
na Fagarasi, tohle byly jenom sem tam kratsi vysvihy.



From: "Pavel Chaloupka" 
Subject: Re: [montana] Fagaras so psom
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 10:13:56 +0200
Organisation: Alena Komínková - AVE
Reply-to: montana@natur.cuni.cz

>Jinak mam ale pocit, ze pres cabanu Negoi se da obejit Serbota, Strunga
Dracului ne.

Obchazet to pres chatu Negoiu je zbytecne, z vrcholu Serboty lze ten mirne
obtiznejsi hrebinek obejit po nove znacce zluty pas pres _jizni_ kotel
Negoiu (chata je na severu a podstatne niz) - neztrati se tim tolik vyska,
i kdyz takovych 300 - 400 vyskovych metru navic to bude. A Strunga Dracului
se da obejit uplne bez metru navic taky po zlutym pasu (tusim se jde
podstatne lehci Strungou Ciobanului nebo tak nejak). Ale jinak si myslim,
ze pokud ten pes netrpi zavratemi :-)) tak to zvladne, neni to tak hrozny.

---// [01-08-2001] English lessons //-----------------------------------------

To: "Dusan Korytko" 
Subject: How do you do?
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 17:54:28 +0200

Hi Dusan!!!

Thank you for correcting my mistakes. There are some(lot's of) words
I'm not sure about their spelling, so it might be a little bit detective
story or puzzle for you to read it and understand. But that will make
my letters more interesting and you won't ever be borned :O))).
To the way you write me - I'm used to write the whole letter and you
only comment what I've written. That's all. Nothing stange or bad(my
favirite word :O)). On the contrary I think it's good idea. It's clear what
are you reacting on.
What do you mean that you fell down to normal life too soon? It means
that you've stoped attending school and started working or that you'd
had much bigger and "crazy" dreams, ideas and planes that you had to
I agree with you that life "on the road" is very different from the
ordinary way of life. The view of the world is much more prettier from the
bike and you can see many things that you can't normally see. On the
bike I feel free, becouse I can go wherever I want and nobody can stop
But my favourite means of transport is train. At first it's the only
one where I don't feel sick and in my opinion travelling by train is the
most comfortabe(but I don't mean the sunday night train when I go to
school where you are happy when you only get to it and you don't mind
that you must stand on the WC, you rigth neighbour's bag is on your beg
where you have some tomatoes and piece of cake from your mum and a boy on
your left is stinging into your eye with his skies. No, that's not very
pleasant :o)). But when you are lucky and you can sit near the window,
that's great. I love to watch how the ladscape is running fast around
you and everything changes guickly.
But I'd like to ask - do you like travelling also among people? I mean
to visit some famous towns and cities like Paris, Vien, London,...? Or
do you prefer walking(or cycling) trough the ladnscape? I realy don't
know. It's marvelous only wandering in the country far from people and
only from time to time visite some castle or church, but(and I think
that's the biggest difference between boys and girls on a trip) I need the
things like hot water, the shower, clean clothes(so I have to carry
gigantic bag)... But if I know that on each stop there would be at least
small cottage with everything what I'd need, I'd join that journey :O)).
I was in Lednice and around many times(with my parents and with school
class) and I agree with you that it's wonderful piece of land. And what
I'd recommed you to visit is Sumava. Realy beautiful place. It's near
the border with Austria so there were soldier and people were forbidden
to go there. And that's why the landscape there is so beatuful - nobody
could destroy it.
Oh, very, very, very long list I've written. I wish you nice and not so
boring reading and I'm lookong forward your answer.


To: "Dusan Korytko" 
Subject: RE: How do you do?
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 20:08:27 +0200

Hi Dusan!!!

I've got very little time today so it wont't be so long as the last
I agree with you that to travel in the age of 60 is too late. It's
unfair, but to tell the true - only at that age you have got enough time.
And may be - also money. I don't know what do you think about that but -
everybody tells me that now I'm in the best age, that I could do
anything. But I don't thing so.
What do you mean with "unpaid holiday"? Do you want to organize a
journey round the world? Like Willy Fog? :o) That's great idea. If you do
this, than you must send me a poscard from every single country you will
visit :O). OK?
Please write me - why are you so interested in traveling? Is it your
only hobby? Every time you are free you make some trip? Yes, I like
traveling, but I haven't visited many places and I'm not sure if what I'm
writing about is really what you would like to read.
It doesn't mean that I don't want to continue in writing. I'm very
happy that I can read you letters and understand. So don't worry what I'm
writing about some stupid things. If you don't like the topic, please
let me know.
But what I really want to know - Which place(which have you visited) do
you like the most and why?
That's all for today and I'm looking for your answer.



To: "Dusan Korytko" 
Subject: That's ma again :O)
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 18:32:28 +0200

Hi Dusan!!!

Spis is my favourite place.
o you mean Spisska Nova Ves? I was there two years ago. Not alone. We
have a floorball team with my friends and we wanted to introdice this
sport in Slovaki. We had a great time there. We were also in Vysoke Tatry
and I was(and lat's say still I'm) mad about this place. we were at a
top of one hill and becouse there was nico waether, we had marvelous
view. Wou!!! Really it was one of my best trip.
The second was when I was in Paris. But at that time(I was 14) I didn't
know much about this city so I was quite bored that time, but when I
remember where I was  and what I saw I'd lve to go back.
But the true is that the nicest places I have around me quite all the
time - at home in Zdar.
And more - I've seen that this year many signs for cyclists had apeared
in our town. So there must be many new cycling paths. That's great,
becouse, to tell the true I know many places on the map, but I don't know
the nearest area aroud Zdar, I can get to know some new places.
There was a small note like "civil service" in your letter. If it's nt
secret - what's your job?
And do you like it? And "after leave civil service it will be my last
chance"(the journy round the world), I think it isn't true - you can be
make redundant and you will have lots of time :o)). (It was poor joke,
I know, but...I'm trying :O))
as you can have read my hobby is floorball and I think I like doing
qoite all sports. I lke swimming and cycling the most.
Yes, I've got a question - what does it mean "Rgdz, Spyros" at the end
of your letters?
I'm going home tomorrow so have a nice weekend and write me back on


PS: You did hitchhiking to Marrocco?


To: "Dusan Korytko" 
Subject: RE: That's ma again :O)
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 20:51:04 +0200

Hi Dusan!!!

Today I'll try it your way.

What is floorball? Something like football in sport
hall? or lacross? I have no idea.

Lots of peple say that floorball is somethong like ice-hockey but in a
hall. It could seems similar, but there are many differences in
rules(E.G. floorbal is non-contact game :O))). But as in hockey - thera are
5players(with plastick sticks) and one goelkeeper(withot stick). The
court is about 20*40meters and 3 periods each 20 min. It's quite new sport
in Czech republic but very popular.

I like use marked tourist path with cycle. I remember
fine was trips around Brno´s Dam to Veverska Bytiska
and all routes in north area.

On Sunday I tried one of the path around Zdar and I was enthusiastic.
Through wintwr I've completely forgoten what is it when you ride trough
country, absolutely free, without anybody or anything what can disterb
you. It was fantastic!!! Wou!!!! I'm loking for next weekend.
And what did you do the last weekend? Do you have some extraordinery
experiences? :o)))

I work in information technology area and I don´t like
this job because of my boss.

And would you have liked the job if the boss hadn't been there? Is it a
"job of your dream"?
But the true is when you have problems with sombody above you,
everything is terrible. I know it, but in my case it wasn't boss, but my
landlady. I had got the advantage that I could move.
In work, it's not so easy.

I would like to work more but we have stupid management. I know it´s
crazy ´more
work´. So I spend lot of my time on Internet.

I think I understand. It's horrible whan youhave to be at Work 8 houres
and 5 houres you don't know what to do. You are lucky that you have
internet. My friend has quite similar problem, but everything what she can
do is listen to the radio. I think you will belive me when I write you
that she hates all radios, all stations, all moderators and mainly all
singers with their "latest and absolutely new" songs! :O))

I´m not big sportsman but I think fairly good skier. I
like to get skialpinistic equipment to next season. We
shall see :-)

Down-hil-skiing is great, but around Zdar, there much beter condition
for crosscounry skiing. When I was small ,my father forced me to do it
and that's why I hate it now and I don't do it. From time to time I have
some thoughts to try it(in winter, of course :o)), but I can't. The
princip is the proncip :o).

PS: You did hitchhiking to Marrocco?
No, but I´d like.

This year?

Yes I nearly forgot, I finished my travelogue (I don´t
want see that for long time :-)) from Romania so if
you want try this at
http://spyros.nfo.sk/travel/rum2000/index.hml .

I'd love to, but my computer wrote me that this address is unavailable.
Is it right address? Or is'n it possible to get to your travelogue
somehow different? I'm very curios!!!

I hope you write me soon.


To: "Dusan Korytko" 
Subject: Happy sunny day!!!
Date: Wed, 2 May 2001 17:38:11 +0200

Hallo Dusan!!!

O.K. another try with ">"!

>Oh, I saw something like this on Eurosport, girls in
>short skirts are runnig after synthetic grass and they
>had funny wands.

I'm not sure that was really floorball. There also exist a "bandy
hockey", which is played with very strange wands on synthetic grass(I saw it
for the first time on TV when were the Olympic games). Floorball is
played in a normal hall, but the floor may has green(or red, blue,...)
colour, becouse of new materials which are now used for the floors in
halls. So may be you are right.

>I was in Mala Fatra for three days.
>is absolutely paradise. Super views to Babia Gora,
>Fatras, Tatras, Czech a Poland mountains, green grass,
>cows and sheeps on meadows, and locals is ploughing
>your small fields with horses! Hmm. Great relax.

That's sound absolutely fantastic. I'd love to be on the place like
this right now. In Brno, there is "horrible" hot weather(I don't know what
I'll be writing when the real summer comes :O)) and it's imppossible to
walk on the street. May be the situation is so "catastrophic" but I
don't like that. The wind doesn't blow, the sun is blazing away, lots of
people everywhere,... I don't know how I'll survive the summer here :-O
- there have been two sunny days and I'm burned and I hate the sun.
JUJ!!! I'm looking for the winter :O)))

>It´s very interesting job but I feel like I don´t go
>forward, uff :-)

Fine. Have it for your own :O))

>Heh, when I am in Morava I am still bored with czech
>radios (playlist with ´80 songs is definitely Cs
>:-)) and mainly their moderators (very ´pseudofunny´).

That's exact. I don't mind listen to the radio for, let's say, 3
houres, but listen to it all day - OH MY GOD!!!(Do you like the serial

>two years I think it´s better. Radios play new bands
>and interprets like Para, Zena z lesoparku, No Name,
>Kirschner and more.

Not long ago, we were talking with my friends and we realise that we
don't know any new slovak band. The names like Zbirka, Elan, Muller,...
are wellknow(and I really like them - mainly Miro Zbiro), but they are
quite "old". So is there any new band which good or which do you like?

>Yes, you know Murphy´s law. When I was on trip of my
>server crashed but now it is fixed.

So I'll be patient and I'llbe trying it. :o)

>I also enyoed for you reply.
OK. Here you have it. I'm looking for your answer.



To: "Dusan Korytko" 
Subject: I'm still alive!!!
Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 18:04:11 +0200

Hi Dusan!!!

Sorry for my late answer but we didn't have lessons so I stayed at home
and did some writing to school. As you know the school year is
finishing ahd the time of exames is coming. To write the true I didn´t do
anything all trought the year so I'm "a little bit" busy now. To answer your
question - I think we have about five exames and three will be very
hard, becouse we had the subject two semesters, two will be only hard :O).

>I think yes. By the way, what league are you playing.
>Some division?

This zaer we used to play in first league, but we get down back to the
second. The problem is that in there are only two leagues in women
floorball and ther is a huge different between the first and the second. In
the second league plays each team which want to(so the level is
terrible in some cases) and in the first league play the same teams all the
time, becouse no newcomer is able to hold. So they are better and better.
So it is something like magique circle. But it was good and interesting
experience and we´d love to be back in the first league next year. Uf,
that´s enought about floorall(for today :O)))

>:-))) I am not big fan of summer also, but I try take
>this from better side.

OK. The better side is that you needn´t wear so much cloth. You have a
nice view, but what about me? What would I see? Hairy legs and sweated
backs :O(((. Nothig for me :o)!!!

>From 1. May I got new boss!

Good news. Congratilation!!!

>Bad news are that they want me get out my
office room.

Don´t worry. I've heard that the corridor isn't so bad. You will meet
lots of people there :O)))

>I listen music very loud every time.
>I am currios where they want me get with my 4
>computers :-)))

Rally paradise!!! What are you doing with your four computers? Do you
wear glasses?

>I´m watching this diabolous box in weekends only and now when I´m
>watching hockey championship here with my friends.
>But let´s get back to your question.

To write the true I also watch Tv rarly. I don't have it in Brno and
when I'm at home there isn't usually anything to watch on. Not long time
ago there were some films  made accoding to detective stories writen by
Agata Christie whith my favorite detective Hercules Poirot. That were
excelant fimls. I'd like to watch ice-hockey(it's quite near to my
sport, but I don't have time. And I'm angry that I won't see the match Czech
vs. Slovak Republic, becouse we have a school. I believe that this mach
will be very interesting becouse we have won so many times that I'm
afraid that this time ... We will see!!!

>In Markiza TV is running sixth series and by my opinion it´s not so
>good like previous. At this moment my favourite serial
>is Dharma and Greg. I like Dharma´s father and Greg´s

I agree with you that the previous series were better. But sometime
also there are some "funny" moments. But I don't know Dharma and Greg. In
our Tv there aren't so much good serials(and as I've writen before - we
are luck when we can see one good film a week).

>summer incredible Mladek Band (the absolutely best
>applause), like every year Mnaga & Zdorp (Do you know
>their last album, nothing new but I like it), Tata
>Boys and some DJ´s. And before two years was great
>Plastic People and Psi vojaci.

Thank you, you had perfectly answered my question about new Slovak
bands :O))). But what kind of music do you really like and listen in
"still" your office?

Have a nice weekend, be careful on your trips so that you could write
me back.




To: "Dusan Korytko" 
Subject: RE: I'm still alive!!!
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 21:14:50 +0200

Hi Dusan!!!

>Better side is you still win and be number one in 2nd
>division is by my opinion better then the last place
>in 1st divison.

Yes, it may look lake advatnage only for thr first sight. But in my
opinion is better to be firts league in all cases, becouse these teams are
much more better, so we can learn a lot from them.

>One more message and I will be the best specialist for
>floorball in Slovakia. Not bad :-)

You wouldn't like it, to be an expert on something that more of Slavak
don't know? :O))) You would be very popular in society. Very exotic

>I believe that is always more aesthetic, ehm, look at woman (also for
>women) than man.

Not always but almost.

>Hmm grammar switch. They´re good news or it is good
>news alsoo well. Hmm I think it is ´pomnozne´ :-)
>word. In future I´d rather use report or information.

I would say that news IS. Infornation also IS, but whan you want to say
more, you have to use e.g. two PIECES OF informatin. (I don't want to
seem like teacher, but I have an exame from English grammer so I should
know that and I need to repeat it, sorry :o))

>Heh... I have good story with glasses. When I was
>little boy optic doctor tells me that I would wear 0.5
>dioptric glasses but I don´t wear them because of
>teenage :-) and after year doctor says I´m totally
>fit. Hmm... selfrestoration or what?

Yes, somebody told me that whan you don't need so much dioptrics, you
should examine your eyes and don't wear glasses very often. Your eyes
might get better than. But, to write the true, I'm lazy a little bit. I
stared wear glasses let's say a half year ago(I can't see well to
distance) and when I recognise that stars are nice points and not fuzzy
something and that also other things I can see clear I don't want to
"examine" my eyes. I want to see nice world :O)

>One computer is desktop, other is my music station
>:-), other is for lab purposes and last is notebook.

Wou, you must be a real computer expert :-O. I have "zapocet" from
computers so you will be my private adviser. Do you agree? Yes, you do!!!

>I saw bit of one part and nothing good
>for me. Rather I read these crime stories.

I haven't read her books but I'm planing that. For now, I thing the
films were excelant.

>Czech has better team then last year so it will be
>very hard for us. And we have also well-known komplex
>from Czech hocke players. I don´t know if now is that
>time for his reduction. We shall see and all Slovak
>Republic believe.

So, the championship is over and our players are winers - again!!! They
are so, so....:O)))))).
The last match wasn't petfect, but it was becouse all the players were
tired. I think we had a luck but that's what the game is about. I
haven't seen your players but to write the true I was afraid that now you
would win. So - next time.

>:-) and what you will have from unknown names of the
>slovak bands? How you want - No Name, Peha, Para, Zena
>z lesoparku, White Noise, Free Faces, Polemic, Noc a
>den (they break throug the Poland!), Malevil and lot
>of more.

OK,OK. You are right. I thought you write me more about them, some
"special information", which you do you like and which not. But - it's not
true that all the groups are unknow in Czech. I've seen NO NAME on TV
:O). But I thing ZENA Z LESOPARKU is the best, isn't it?

>Alice In Chains, Natalie Cole, Manic Street Preachers, Paradise
>Lost, JJ72 (my the newest discovery from UK),
>Sepultura, RATM and John Frusciante (solo project of
>Red Hot Chilli Peppers guitarist, at this moment my
>favourite music).

You have Natalie Cole? I love her voice. My favourite group is U2. Bono
is absolutely perfect. And Manic Street Preachers are also very good. I
don'know the others. To write the true I know only what's on radio. And
now my favourite song is duet sang by Hapka+Kirshner. Do you know that?

>No trip just vegetating at home but maybe little cycle
>trip :-)))

That's old and boring :O(. Try something new :O))).

Have a nice day, say hallo to your boss and work hard.



To: "Dusan Korytko" 
Subject: I'm not lazy!!! :O)
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 18:54:13 +0200

Hi Dusan!!!

Sorry for the delay, but I have lots of things to school now. You know
- "zapocty", essays, examines,... Hard work. However - I'd like to
continue in writing with you, but my letters won't be probably so frequent.
Is it a problem?

>What is fuzzy?

It means "not very clear"(rozostreny, mlhavy)

>"zapocet" from computers so you will be my private
>adviser. Do you agree? Yes, you do!!!
>No problem. Let´s start!

Thank you. If I had more time I'd  send you all the questions we have
got to learn for exame. The teacher gave us four papers with really
strange questions. May be, my friens will help me and if not, I'll do the
exame later and I'll sand you the list. OK? :O)

>Before sleep I´m reading detective novel The Name of
>the Rose from Umberto Eco. Good but not so good like
>previous book what I read from Dostojevskij.

I have read only few pages from The Name of Rose. I wasn't very
enthusiast, becouse there are lots of boring passages, but I heard that it is
really good detective story. You must write me than, if it is true. now
I don't read very often, but on the grammar school my favourite autor
were the Czech - Milan Kundera(Czech writer, very nice stories with
quite surprising end), Karel Capek. Oh now I remember - I've read from
Orwell the book call "1984" and that was really... I don't know how to
write it. Maybe very strong and unbelievable. Try it!!!

>Neuropa. Maybe I think this is the most interesting
>band in Slovakia. They´re descendants of Bez ladu a
>skladu and they play quite originally. I cannot find
>similary group. Something between Bez ladu and Prodigy... :-) rock
ethnic brit dance with
>brass-brand. Uff. And I love their text slogans.

Interesting. But I can't imagine what's the music is like. It is quite
wilde, isn't it? Do you have long hair? I mean, on hard music people
dance the way that thay are shaking their heads and the effect is perfect
whan you have long hair. :O)))

>Most of the people like morning creation but I like
>albums Achtung Baby and Zooropa.

To write the truth, I don't know the albums. I know the songs and I
love the soud.

>I think they sang this song on czech grammy. Some
>czech friends says that Kirscher has wrong czech
>language. Too soft or what.

Yes, they were singing on Czech awards and now the song is played in
all radio stations. In my opinion, Jana is perfect, becouse she sings
like a Czech. I'm not sure if any Czech singe would be able to sing so
perfect in Slovakian.

>two years I was in Slovenia for three times and I
>start to be expert for this little country :-)

Very nice idea. At that time you will ride in beautiful landscape, I'll
sit at the worts examine this year. Perfect :O) !!!

>:-)))) are you kidin´ me? :-)


Have a nice time and write me sometime.


To: "Dusan Korytko" 
Subject: A short letter
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 20:28:22 +0200

Hallo Dusan!!!

I'm so perfect :O) that I won't need your help with computers. I have
done it for the first time. It lested me for two days and about five
houres work with computeg, but I've got it. Never more. Computers are
interesting and they surely help us a lot, but I woudn't do this examine
any more. To write the truth, from the lessons I don't know much and what
I know I'll forget soon becouse I don't work with computer very often,
so whan I'll need it sometime in futur,I'll have to learn it again.
Never mind :O)))

Although my life is only learning these days, I also live. for example
last week my frends and i we were in slovakia in Male Karpaty. at first
in was castle in Smolenice(is that right?), tah the cave driny and
after abou fiveteem-kilometer-long journy - on foot!!! I wout believe that
thare can exist such hills - steep grades, very high, all in the wood.
But at the end - the magnificant view. It worth for it!!! It was

>I read something immortality and especially very good
>short stories from baths about love.

Kundera's "Smesné lasky" are absolutely fantastic.

>I try :-) ... if you like it you can try Shiny state
>or Utopia.

OK. I'm looking forward to holydays :O)))

>You can find mp3 on their homepage www.neuropa.sk

Please, slowlz :O). I've got "zapocet" from computers, but I have only
very slight ibea what is it mp3. Something with music, but that's all.
But - not long time ago I saw a poster about some music festival in
Czech republic and this band wes on the programm. So it won't lasted long
and I'll be able to hear it somewhere.

>Before 5 years I have long hair till my shoulders but
>at this moment I prefer short cut (not like skin or
>soldier :-))). It´s more comfortable for me. But I
>like girls with long hair because it is more female.

I agree that short hair is more comfortalbe and mainlz in summer. I
envy you. I'm thinking about a hair cut and I'm sure I'll do it. But after
the exames. I'm afraid that the teachers wouldn't recognise me,
wouldn't believe that I have attanned their lessons and would give me
difficult question. But aftre all - wauuuuu!!!

My books are calling. So that's all for today, have  a nice time and
write me.



To: "Dusan Korytko" 
Subject: The End (of school) :O))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 20:40:25 +0200

Hi Dusan!!!

I have finished with school for this year right now. I have passed my
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I'm realy very happy because I was
very tyred and I'm not sure if I would be able to learn more.
And what I'll be doing? I have got HOLIDAYS :O))))))!!! So nothing!!!
No, that's not realy true. I wanted to make you a little bit angry that
I have holidays and you have to work. But I'll also have to find some
job, so don't worry. But you have been writing about some trip. Is it
still valid?
I would like to go somewhere too but I don't know with who and where.
I'm not so adventurer to only pack my bag and go. I need everything to
be planned.
But I hope we will take some short trip on bicycles with my friends. Or
- you can never know - I will pack my bag and I'll go to Trencin. FUN
LOVIN´ CRIMINALS are realy very catchy :O).
But what have you been doing such a long time? Is your bike prepared
for a new season? And what about your body? Winter was long, lot's of
food and nothing much to do,... First sport actions in summer are quite
difficult. But it isn't your case, is it :O)?

Have a nice time and good appetite

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